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Egypt - Land of Pyramids & Pharaohs

Welcoming its seventh millennium, Egypt is a beguiling mix of the ancient and modern. Egypt was an ancient civilisation when Alexander the Great overthrew one of the last Pharaohs, and the legacy of this rich civilisation is still there to see - in the enigmatic gaze of the Sphinx (pictured), the mighty Pyramids, and the huge temples at Luxor and Abu Simbel.

But Egypt is much more than an open-air museum - Cairo is a bustling commercial, political, and religious centre that has for many centuries been at the forefront of the Islamic world. Neon signs flash next to imposing, beautiful mosques built in medieval times, and brand name stores have sprung up near the labyrinthine old bazaars.

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus described Egypt as 'the gift of the Nile', and it is hard to overstate the importance of this life-giving river to the well-being of the nation and its peoples. 90% desert, Egypt is bisected by this mighty river, and the annual floods were until recent times an essential event that ensured the cultivation of crops and therefore food for the coming year. Now spanned by the huge Aswan Dam - built in the 1950's - the Nile is still the lifeblood of Egypt and an essential element of any visit to this nation.

Heading south from Cairo, travellers eventually arrive at what was once known as the kingdom of Upper Egypt - a land where people have always survived at the whim of the desert and river gods. The awe-inspiring spectacle of the Temple at Luxor - with its forest of huge columns and heiroglyphic-covered walls - has few rivals, and has dominated this riverside city for more than two thousand years. Across the Nile and a donkey ride into the hills is the Valley of the Kings, the once-secret burial place of the Pharaohs. Forgotten by time and looted by grave robbers, many of these brightly decorated royal burial chambers still provide a fascinating glimpse into the ancient Egyptian belief in the afterlife.

On the edges of ancient Egyptian civilisation was the pleasant, palm-fringed outpost of Aswan. Influenced as much by the friendly, dark-skinned Nubians as by the Arabs of the north, Aswan is the perfect staging point for a leisurely cruise on the Nile - one of the highlights of any Egyptian adventure. For the dedicated, Aswan is also the gateway to the remote Temple of Abu Simbel, with its imposing 60 foot statues guarding the entrance.

The vast Sinai Peninsula (bordering Israel and Jordan) presents yet another side of the Egyptian story - the azure waters of the Red Sea and the exotic resort of Dahab are particularly popular for swimming, diving, or just relaxing. A torchlit climb up the biblical Mt Sinai (where Moses received the Ten Commandments) is a must-do, and a strong memory of your trip to Egypt will be the first rays of a new day rising over this ancient land of Prophets and Pharaohs, temples and tombs.

Getting There
Visit Our Recommended Partner

British Airways, Egypt Air, and Olympic (Greek) Airways all fly to Cairo.

One of the best ways to explore this huge, exotic nation is on a professionally guided tour. Our London-based Recommended Partner is On The Go Tours has an experienced team in Egypt and a range of great tours at reasonable prices. The 13-day King Ramses Tour (at £399) includes all the key sites such as the Pyramids, Cairo, Luxor, as well as a Felucca cruise on the Nile and some time to relax at the Red Sea resort of Dahab. Those on tighter schedules should check out the King Tutankhamen Tour (9 days) or the Queen Isis (6 days) - for more information check out the On The Go website or phone for a free brochure on 020 7371 1113.

On The Go Tours can be visited at 70 North End Road, West Kensington, London W14 9EP.

More Information

Check out the official Egypt Tourism website for local and tourist information of interest.


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